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2011-10-27 03:49 PM 1
What is the meaning of "Personal Assessment”?
Ms. Han
2011-10-27 03:49 PM 1
Employee A sent his son to Australia for studying in high school and got reimbursement from his employer for his son's airfare on the trip to Australia. Was the amount reimbursed taxable?
William Yao
2011-10-27 03:45 PM 1
We have to pay building management fees and certain other out of pocket expenses for the property. Are they deductible? Should we deduct them from the rental income and report the net amount of the income?
2011-10-27 03:44 PM 1
What is "lease premium”?
Lee Jun
2011-10-27 03:44 PM 1
I have received the notice of assessment and discovered some errors / omissions in the Profits Tax return previously submitted to the Inland Revenue Department. What should I do?
2011-10-27 03:37 PM 1
Employer B purchased a package tour to be taken by Employee A for holiday. Employer B also paid for Employee A's visa fee and travel insurance premium. Apart from the package tour fee, should the visa fee and insurance premium be included as Employee A's taxable income?
2011-10-27 03:36 PM 1
Employer B organized a tour for her employees on a group basis. The group comprised employee A, his two family members and seven other employees. Whether the expenses incurred for the tour are taxable on the employees? If yes, how?
2011-10-27 03:35 PM 1
Are there any types of businesses or activities for which the banks you represent WILL NOT open accounts for?
2011-10-27 03:35 PM 1
When should I pay my opening (initial) balance and to whom?
2011-10-27 03:34 PM 1