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Competent Person

What’s the requirement for a Competent Person?


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In accordance with HK Listing Rule 18.21, a Competent Person must:
(1) have a minimum of five years experience relevant to the style of mineralization and type of deposit under consideration or to the type of Petroleum exploration, reserve estimate (as appropriate), and to the activity which the Mineral Company is undertaking;
(2) be professionally qualified, and be a member in good standing of a relevant Recognised Professional Organisation, in a jurisdiction where, in the Exchange's opinion, the statutory securities regulator has satisfactory arrangements (either by way of the IOSCO Multilateral MOU or other bi-lateral agreement acceptable to the Exchange) with the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong for mutual assistance and exchange of information for enforcing and securing compliance with the laws and regulations of that jurisdiction and Hong Kong; and
(3) take overall responsibility for the Competent Person's Report.
